Western Livestock Auction, Gt. Falls MT***We ship bulls anywhere--from California to Florida, Canada too.***
1st 600 miles delivery free
internet and phone bidding available
https://issuu.com/edje/docs/january_2023_web/24 page 24
A performance legend for 65-plus years. One of the nation's consistently highest average herd Total Sire Index scores for terminal sires, all backed with 65+ years of performance data
Our animals are not bred for the goals of the show ring, but rather to fit the demands of the beef business - from birth to slaughter in the quickest possible time, best feed efficiency coupled with gains, with the greatest possible profit. We have dehorned, polled, scurred...
The cows are studies of excellence in themselves. The "stacking" of performance upon performance in the Cobb female pedigree has produced a cowherd unequalled in its genetic ability to produce high performance bulls for both the commercial and purebred producer...